
Rolls-Royce Solutions GmbH: Verleihung des Lieferanten Awards für das Jahr 2022

28.06.2023 Am 25.05.2023 fand in Kressbronn die Veranstaltung zur Verleihung der Lieferanten Awards statt, bei der Auszeichnungen in 6 Kategorien an anwesende Firmen aus China, USA, Schweiz und Deutschland verliehen wurden.

Jubiläum zur 70-jährigen Zusammenarbeit

27.06.2023 Am 11.05.2023 fand anlässlich der 70-jährigen Zusammenarbeit von Bornemann + Haller und dem Hammerwerk Fridingen eine Jubiläumsfeier im Nebenraum im Restaurant Sonne in Fridingen statt.


26.09.2022 From 20.09. to 25.09.2022 we participated in the joint stand "Leichtbau Baden-Württemberg" at the IAA TRANSPORTATION in Hanover. One of our guests was Baden-Württemberg's Minister of Economic Affairs, Dr Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut.

Review CastForge 2022

24.06.2022 Our appearance at the trade fair for castings and forgings with processing from 21 to 23 June 2022 in Stuttgart was a complete success.

Authorisation AEO C 131567

15.06.2022 Granting of authorisation AEO C 131567 for Hammerwerk Fridingen GmbH by the main customs office in Singen

Concern about energy price explosion / Visit by our Member of the Bundestag Maria-Lena Weiss

02.05.2022 On Monday, 04 April 2022, we welcomed our Member of the Bundestag for the electoral ward of Rottweil/Tuttlingen, Ms. Maria-Lena Weiss, to our company...

AGCO Trait Award

02.02.2021 AGCO, with its core brands Fendt, Massey Ferguson, Valtra, Challenger and GSI, is one of the largest agricultural machinery manufacturers in the world. On 26.01.2021 the AGCO "2021EME Supplier Day" took place. Due to the Corona pandemic, this year's Supplier Day had to take place virtually. ...

Hammerwerk Fridingen sets the course for the future

07.01.2020 The Hammerwerk Fridingen GmbH, based in Fridingen on the Danube in the south of Baden-Württemberg, sets the course for the future. For this reason Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Schwaiger has been appointed to the management board (effective July 1st, 2020)...

Hammerwerk Fridingen receives Supplier Award from Rolls-Royce / MTU

12.03.2018 Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG has honored its best suppliers of the year 2017 with the Supplier Award. For twelve years now, those suppliers who offer the highest level of quality and performance have been honored. In a ceremony on March 1, 2018, at Rolls-Royce Power Systems / MTU in Friedrichshafen, Hammerwerk Fridingen GmbH was honored in silver as "Best Supplier 2017" in the category "Raw Parts Worldwide".

Zahájení mechanického obrábění v sídle závodu v Chebu

16.12.2016 Od ledna 2017 bude v našem závodě HF-Czechforge s.r.o. v Chebu zahájena výroba konstrukčních dílů mechanickým obráběním. Instalovali jsme sedm strojů a personál prošel zaučením v HF-Bearbeitungstechnik. Naším cílem je výkovky vyrobené v HF-Czechforge rovněž hned na místě obrábět.